
Mikko Nuutinen, Hiltunen, Anna-Maria , Korhonen, Sonja , Haavisto, Ira , Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , Mattson, Johanna , Manikis, Georgios , Kondylakis, Haridimos , Simos, Panagiotis , Mazzocco, Ketti , and others, . 2023. Aid Of A Machine Learning Algorithm Can Improve Clinician Predictions Of Patient Quality Of Life During Breast Cancer Treatments. Health And Technology, 13, Pp. 229–244.
EC Karademas, Roziner, I , Simos, P , Mazzocco, K , Pat-Horenczyk, R , Sousa, B , Oliveira-Maia, AJ , Stamatakos, G , Cardoso, F , Kolokotroni, E , and others, . 2023. Changes Over Time In Self-Efficacy To Cope With Cancer And Well-Being In Women With Breast Cancer: A Cross-Cultural Study. Psychology & Health, Pp. 1–14.
Becky Leshem, Kashy-Rosenbaum, Gabriela , Schiff, Miriam , Benbenishty, Rami , and Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth . 2023. Continuous Exposure To Terrorism During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Moderated Mediation Model In The Israeli Context. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 20, Pp. 2799.
Meital Simhi, Schiff, Miriam , and Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth . 2023. Economic Disadvantage And Depressive Symptoms Among Arab And Jewish Women In Israel: The Role Of Social Support And Formal Services. Ethnicity & Health, Pp. 1–19.
Jason Jabbari, Bessaha, Melissa , Malik, Sana , Ferris, Dan , Brickman, Sophie , Schiff, Miriam , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Grinstein-Weiss, Michal , and Frank, Tyler . 2023. How Does Social Support Relate To Emotional Availability For Learning During Covid-19? A Multi-Group Structural Equation Model Of University Students From The Us And Israel. Social Psychology Of Education, Pp. 1–25.
Osnat Zamir, Schiff, Miriam , and Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth . 2023. Intergroup Violence Among Jewish And Arab Youths In Israel: Testing A Multifactor Ecological Model.. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy.
EC Karademas, Simos, P , Pat-Horenczyk, R , Roziner, Ilan , Mazzocco, K , Sousa, B , Stamatakos, G , Tsakou, G , Cardoso, F , Frasquilho, D , and others, . 2023. The Interplay Between Trait Resilience And Coping Self-Efficacy In Patients With Breast Cancer: An International Study. Journal Of Clinical Psychology In Medical Settings, 30, Pp. 119–128.
Akhlas Ismail, Schiff, Miriam , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2023. Perceived Academic Challenges Of Jewish And Arab Undergraduates During The First Wave Of Covid-19. International Journal Of Psychology, 58, Pp. 7–15.
Akhlas Ismail, Schiff, Miriam , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2023. Perceived Academic Success Of Students During The Third Wave Of Covid-19. Higher Education Quarterly.
Konstantina Kourou, Manikis, Georgios , Mylona, Eugenia , Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , Mazzocco, Ketti , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Sousa, Berta , Oliveira-Maia, Albino J, Mattson, Johanna , Roziner, Ilan , and others, . 2023. Personalized Prediction Of One-Year Mental Health Deterioration Using Adaptive Learning Algorithms: A Multicenter Breast Cancer Prospective Study. Scientific Reports, 13, Pp. 7059.
Georgios C Manikis, Simos, Nicholas J, Kourou, Konstantina , Kondylakis, Haridimos , Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , Mazzocco, Ketti , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Sousa, Berta , Oliveira-Maia, Albino J, Mattson, Johanna , and others, . 2023. Personalized Risk Analysis To Improve The Psychological Resilience Of Women Undergoing Treatment For Breast Cancer: Development Of A Machine Learning–Driven Clinical Decision Support Tool. Journal Of Medical Internet Research, 25, Pp. e43838.
Gabriella Bentley, Zamir, Osnat , Dahabre, Rawan , Perry, Shlomit , Karademas, Evangelos C, Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , Mazzocco, Ketti , Sousa, Berta , and Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth . 2023. Protective Factors Against Fear Of Cancer Recurrence In Breast Cancer Patients: A Latent Growth Model. Cancers, 15, Pp. 4590.
Ilan Roziner, Perry, Shlomit , Dahabre, Rawan , Bentley, Gabriella , Kelada, Lauren , Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , Mazzocco, Ketti , Sousa, Berta , Karademas, Evangelos C, Simos, Panagiotis , and others, . 2023. Psychological And Somatic Symptoms Among Breast Cancer Patients In Four European Countries: A Cross-Lagged Panel Model. Stress And Health, 39, Pp. 474–482.
Yaffa Naomi Stokar and Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth . 2023. Themes Of End-Of-Life Care In Memorable Cases Of Medical Health Professionals: A Mixed Methods Approach. Current Psychology, 42, Pp. 13721–13732.
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Kelada, Lauren , Kolokotroni, Eleni , Stamatakos, Georgios , Dahabre, Rawan , Bentley, Gabriella , Perry, Shlomit , Karademas, Evangelos C, Simos, Panagiotis , Poikonen-Saksela, Paula , and others, . 2023. Trajectories Of Quality Of Life Among An International Sample Of Women During The First Year After The Diagnosis Of Early Breast Cancer: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Cancers, 15, Pp. 1961.
R Pat-Horenczyk, Kelada, L , Kolokotroni, E , Stamatakos, G , Dahabre, R , Bentley, G , Perry, S , Karademas, EC , Simos, P , Poikonen-Saksela, P , and others, . 2023. Trajectories Of Quality Of Life Among An International Sample Of Women During The First Year After The Diagnosis Of Early Breast Cancer: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Cancers 2023, 15, 1961.
Lauren Kelada, Schiff, Miriam , Gilbar, Ohad , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2023. University Students' Psychological Distress During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Structural Equation Model Of The Role Of Resource Loss And Gain. Journal Of Community Psychology, 51, Pp. 3012–3028.
Evangelos C Karademas, Mylona, Eugenia , Mazzocco, Ketti , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Sousa, Berta , Oliveira-Maia, Albino J, Oliveira, Jose , Roziner, Ilan , Stamatakos, Georgios , Cardoso, Fatima , and others, . 2023. Well-Being Trajectories In Breast Cancer And Their Predictors: A Machine-Learning Approach. Psycho-Oncology.
Leena Vehmanen, Mattson, Johanna , Karademas, Evangelos , Oliveira-Maia, Albino J, Sousa, Berta , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Mazzocco, Ketti , Simos, Panagiotis , Cardoso, Fatima , Pettini, Greta , and others, . 2022. Associations Between Physical Exercise, Quality Of Life, Psychological Symptoms And Treatment Side Effects In Early Breast Cancer. The Breast Journal, 2022.
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Schiff, Miriam , Arënliu, Aliriza , Zasiekina, Larysa , Kagialis, Antonios , Ferreira, Nuno , Nesterko, Yuriy , Glaesmer, Heide , Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2022. Challenges Faced By University Students During The Covid-19: An International Study In Five Countries During The Early Phase Of The Pandemic. International Journal Of Psychology, 57, Pp. 547–558.